Acne scars?

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Acne scars?

What causes acne scars?

To put it simply the most common way to create an acne scar is by picking the skin! Grade 1 to 2, They are typically superficial, the body over time will heal pretty fast and the spot will become less visible. However if the impaction is a blemish that’s deep under the skin and painful to the touch it’s best left alone. This type of acne is a grade 3 to 4 and will cause keloid scarring. This is when the body produces too much collagen resulting in the tissue being raised. Or the this can go a different direction, this could create an ice pick scar. This is the appearance of a hole in the skin. Both can cause the skin to look older than one may want and the self consciousness we all want to avoid. Avoid sun exposure as well, the radiation form the sun will cause scars to darken and become more visible. Avoid over scrubbing irritated skin this can lead to loss of elasticity and the scar will become more visible.

before and after the Elaine Brennan Peel.

before and after the Elaine Brennan Peel.

Acne Treatments

There are many different types of treatments for acne. Knowing whats best for you is the key. It’s best to start with clearing as much of the acne as possible before heading into a peel or other treatments that can cause purging. Now that we have that established let’s talk what are some of the best way to reduce acne scars.

Peels are by far my favorite way to reduce the scar, some peels have downtime and will typically get you to where you want to go faster than lunch time peels. The Elaine Brennan peel is by far one of the best I’ve worked with. It’s a blend of resorcinol, salicylic, and trade secrets. I love the this peel mainly because it is safe for all skin colors and types.

I also love micro needling for pit scars, the precision this treatment has is unmatched. I can custom the depth of the needles to injure the skin in a micro way as to not over inflame the skin. This treatment does take several times to accomplish desired results, however there is little downtime involved and yields some powerful results. The small pricks in the skin allows new collagen to grow filling in the hole created by the acne.

before and after 4 micro-needling sessions.

before and after 4 micro-needling sessions.

There is much to choose form without having to go to laser. Laser isn’t the best for acne scars anyway. Lunch time peels are also wonderful for minor scars and discoloration. I prefer Vitamin A peels, they are done is a series of 4 or more. This is a powerful way of really getting under the skin and moving over cells at a rapid rate and lessoning the look of scars. This peel also has the ability to lift and tone the skin. The downtime is as little as flacking about three days after the peel is applied. I really like for you to leave with this peel on. This way the heat of the body can pull the peel down to the dermal layer and better result in store.

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Three Ways to flawless skin fitness.


Three Ways to flawless skin fitness.

See your skin care expert.png

When you are thinking about flawless skin you should consider some of the ways you do fitness. What am I talking about you say? Let me set the context. For fitness you must do some sort of physical activity at least 4-5 times a week for about an hour. However where you gain most of your results are is through the meal plan right? Right! And then there may be supplements,


1.  Let’s take the physical movement that can be equal to seeing your skin pro once or twice a month depending on your skin issue. It’s the time when affective treatment matters, when the esthetician can do a good cleaning or anti-aging treatment, a Microneedling treatment that’s great for pit scaring or skin rejuvenation, this is the time when we can actually see the progress that’s been made in the skin. This is the time when the right treatment is selected for that specific day and what you may need for the skin to get from one result to the next. It’s so exciting to be able to see the progress and work with my clients together to go bare faced with confidence. To achieve flawless skin!!

Doing this will physically keep your skin in shape, it will help with acne, rid the skin of pigmentation faster, help with scaring better than just trying to solve these skin issues on your own. 




2.   Now let’s talk where the real gains happen. MEAL PLAN

Or professional home care, you see you’re taking care of the skin twice a day every day! That’s why it’s so important to have amazing homecare. This will set the stage for what happens in the treatment room. For example, pigmentation is one of the hardest things to get rid of. It must be drawn out of the skin not suppressed. In order to do that you must have high active products that won’t cause inflammation, or over treated skin. The more the skin is prepared at home the better your peel or high grade pigmentation treatment will actually work to remove the pigmentation.  Let’s take acne, no way will you ever clear acne with products that come from Walgreens or any other place that sells to the masses of people. They just aren’t active enough, kind of like trying to eat properly with no knowledge of food combos and what’s good for you specifically. It’s so important for a real pro to get their hand on your skin, look at your skin and listen to what you have to say. Then take all that into consideration and then have a homecare plan just for you.


3.  How do you take care of the inside? Our diet and gut health is important. What goes in must come out as you have heard it said. Our diet is one of the main things, you should drink a lot of water, stay away from processed food as much as possible,  know what you can digest, any allergies, and if possible take supplements to support health skin, and gut health. Not all supplements are equal.

The US does not have a handle on the regulations for whole foods, and high quality ingredients that go into supplements. You really want something that can absorb into the blood steam fast. You want the capsules to not be housed in plastic, this cannot dissolve in the body, and have you ever noticed when you take certain supplements or vitamins you have bright yellow urine?? that’s poor absorption and is really not doing nothing for the body! unfortunately US supplements are like Wild West no regulations equals you don’t know what your getting.

My personal favorite is advanced nutrition by Jane Iredale, loaded with 21 active ingredients and third party tested in the UK. You’ll see the difference with in 30 days.




The power of chiral correction.


The power of chiral correction.

For years I’ve used Chiral correct products on my own skin and have retailed them to my clients with much

success. You see the Chiral ingredients are superior for the full extent of benefit to the skin, the latest organ of the body. Chiral correction is two identical sides that mirror one another. Like you, you have two sides a left and a right side that mirror each other. We are made up of chiral molecules. They are in and of themself organic, and powerful when the molecule can attach on to the receptor site of our cell perfect. When this kind of skin care is used on the skin it proves to be less irritating and yields better results. Not only do you achieve better results but your skin will under go almost immediate results. The penetration of the skincare molecules go deeper as well. This has to do with attaching to our receptor site of the cell perfect. Imagine putting a glove on your hand, and the fit is perfect that’s what it looks like when the skin care ingredients meet the cell. Its a beautiful thing. These products will cost more, however they will last longer and actually work. Making it well worth the money.

Before and after the use of Chiral correct retinol, and timeless peel 30% retinol

Before and after the use of Chiral correct retinol, and timeless peel 30% retinol

The Ingredients….

Let me give you some examples, Natural ingredients contain two molecules a D side and an L side. Let’s take vitamin E, both side are identical however the skin only recognizes the D side the L form does not work on the skin. So if the E has both, the L molecule will only build up on the skin causing irritation. L lactic acid is the chiral molecule opposed to the D lactic that could cause the build up on the skin with irritation. This is also true with Vitamin C, the L form is the only side of the molecule the skin can recognize and if the Vitamin C gets a build up it could cause severe irritation. The irritation will almost look like a rash or light burn.

The Chiral peels are far more effective as well, in most cases the structure of Vitamin A for example has the ability to go medium depth into the layers of skin producing less downtime. However the results are quite impressive, we all want to solve acne if you have it, or build collagen if you’re aging, or reduce scaring left from acne. Vitamin A peels are great for all these things, it can rapidly turn over cell production, remove unwanted dead skin, and build a thinning dermis. Why? The short answer, it works at a cellular level moving over cells fast. Producing new cells to emerge and leaving the skin in a healthier state. It also keeps the pores free of bacteria. With new skin emerging regularly you can see why acne is cleared and scaring is reduced.

Powder form Vitamin C is the best to apply on the skin.

Powder form Vitamin C is the best to apply on the skin.

Apples to Apples.

Remember, I’m talking about a pro chiral ingredients, not over the counter or even the harsh prescription creams. The chiral ingredients are going to fit like that glove I told you about, be able to give amazing results, no irritation to the skin and will ultimately change your skin. If you’re one who suffers from acne these kind of products will change your life.


Professionals,  authority on skin care!


Professionals, authority on skin care!


When you’re considering what to do about pro skin care I have some professional advise about what to do and where to,


1.     Buy from. Why? well if you’re in the care of a skin care professional

They know your skin best. You see when I, or your professional gets their 

hands on your face or body on a regular basis we can see what’s best for you.  We have used different active ingredients on you many times. All of the products we use as professionals are highly active. Which in turn the retail products we recommend are geared toward what we are trying to accomplish. In many cases go with what’s been used on the skin for best results possible.


2.    Don’t buy from Amazon or other big retailers online. Why? Do you really trust it’s real? Do you really trust it hasn’t been sitting in warehouse for to long? The only exception to this is if your professional has a store online or on amazon and you know It’s their private label. Otherwise these products are not going with what you and your professional are trying to accomplish. Also, there is the fact that your little business pro is suffering at the hand of this big business. Nothing is more vital to that little business than loyalty, and team work to get you to where you want to go with your skin. Nothing is more pleasing to us, the pro to see you get those results.


3.    After all that I said already perhaps the most important thing is the analogy

of fitness, you see if you wanted to get into shape! whether you hire a pro or not

you’ll need work out at least 5 days a week for an hour minimum. But the MEAL PLAN is where you’ll get most of your result. You see your going to eat the RIGHT THINGS 5 to 6 time a day.  If you just do that you’ll lose weight. That’s why the right professional skin care is so important, you use it TWICE a day for 30 days,  and see your pro ONCE a month. You see the importance of the right skin care that only your pro knows. Like the nutritionist we as professional Estheticians know ingredients, we know what we’re using on the skin, and most important we know the skin. 



Staying safe and clean!

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Staying safe and clean!

My biggest responsibility is sanitation, it always has been.

Our test when an esthetician becomes licensed is safety and 

Sanitation. Some of the practices I do is, using hospital grade 

Cleaning supplies, cleaning all tools between each client, changing the bedding and wiping down the bed with sanitizing wipes. I also use disposable supplies when ever possible. I myself wash several times though out the contact process.


Staying organized is also key having tools that are properly cleaned and ready to go keeps me on time and gives peace of mind. 


Each service requires different cleaning measures, I’m up on the state board for each service so you can relax and enjoy

your treatment.  Some of this is surprising to me since we as estheticians have always been required to sanitize ALL the time.

I myself can say I have never had a person contract any disease or fungus for my whole 24 years of practice.




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Acne Fix

Acne fix.










We’ve all heard acne is caused by sugar, dairy, and its hereditary! 

All that’s true, however it’s also a disease and if left untreated it will

come back.


Let me share with you some great ways to get rid of acne and the scarring it leaves behind. Use Retinol NOT Retin A, Retin A is a synthetic form of vitamin A that causes dryness, inflammation and thinning of the skin. All of which are not good for acne, on the other hand retinol is more gentle and will not over dry the skin. Retinol will not cause inflammation either it will help in assisting cell turnover. Internal Vitamin A works from within.  NOT Accutane!! I love skin Accumax.




Treating the skin topically and internally are going to give the best results. Let me explain. Acne skin has by nature a thick sticky oil that’s produced in the oil gland. Skin Accumax will melt that oil to become less sticky and will not allow bacteria build up in the pore.  Internal Vitamin A will also slough off excess skin layers from within helping bacteria not to form.  While using Retinol for the topical treatment at the same time this will allow the skin to be treated systemically ( Skin Accumax- internal Vitamin A) and the retinol can work on the upper layers of skin. Both together can really do wonders for clearing even the deepest of acne.


Regular cleaning of the skin is important as well, things like enzymes or fruit acid to help your professional clean out the skin. Cleaning the skin on a regular basis will rid the skins congestion. This means extractions, I recommend you not doing this on your own! Picking your skin will lead to spreading and scarring. However someone who is trained in this will not cause damage. After cleaning the skin I like to use the blue LED light, this has the ability to kill bacteria and bring down inflammation.



Acne after math.






Peels are going to be your best bet for the after math.  I love the Eliane Brennan skin renewal peel this peel is so effective on acne removal and scarring. It’s been around for 40 years, It’s been tested on all skin colors and types, the proof is in the pudding.  Best way to rid the skin of unwanted acne is to detach the entire epidermis from the skin. You see the epidermis is made up of four main layers, and when removing these layers you remove all the thick skin that holds onto the bacteria. When we expose that bacteria to the air it then dies. You also begin to affect the bottom of the skin ( the Dermis ) this causes a rapid turn over of cells helping the the scarring at the same time. With out disrupting the live tissue, in removing the epidermis you have an even peel with no chance of burning, inflammation or new scarring or pigmentation that comes up. In fact you have the opposite the peel will actually remove pigmentation that may have been left behind as a result of the acne. Peels are also going to get you were you want with over all results faster, less expensive and less risk of things going wrong. But make sure they’re the right peels, I recommend this peel over most and I’ve worked with ever peel under the sun!!










Skin Prep Warrior

When prepping the skin or facial area for laser, surgery or a deep peel its important to,

  1. Have your consultation, and remove all active products that are instructed you.

  2. Stay out of the sun or radiation of all kinds, this weakens tissue and can slow healing.

  3. Hydrate your skin as much as possible the weeks adding up to your procedure.

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